Pet Corneal Ulcer Treatment | The Vet Clinic

Eye Surgery

Eye irritations, prolapsed glands and blurry vision can all reduce your pets’ comfort and quality of life. Eye surgery may be needed to help them see clearly again.

When a deep erosion of the third layer of the eyelid occurs, it can be cloudy and painful – and can be caused by a number of factors.

A prolapsed gland will obstruct the normal movement of the third eyelid across the cornea, leading to irritations and secondary infections.

When the upper or lower eyelids roll inward toward the eye, this is called entropion – and it causes the eyelashes to rub on the cornea.

Meibomian gland tumours often affect older dogs – if these tumours remain active, they continue to grow until they are removed.


This can be an indication that their eye is irritated – their eyelashes may be rubbing on the cornea. Wet or ‘Blinky’ eyes should be taken seriously, as irritations can lead to secondary infections.

No! We are very experienced in a number of eye surgeries, and take care to make all incisions and sutures as close to the eye as possible. In most cases, you won’t notice any difference at all. We also find shaving the eye area to be unnecessary, so you won’t have to spend any time waiting for the hair to grow back.

Your pet can usually return home with you on the day of the surgery – though this is dependant on the extent of the treatment neccessary. However, you’ll be happy to learn we don’t charge extra for overnight stays!